Frequently Asked Questions About
Welcome to! Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about this China blog directory as well as some important information for those living, traveling and creating content about China. If you have other questions not answered here, feel free to contact us!

What is ChinaBloggers?
ChinaBloggers was created to allow anyone to browse through an updated listing of blogs, YouTube channels and podcasts published about China. It includes those authored from abroad and within China and is organized by blog category.
Unlike many blog directories, ChinaBloggers only deals with one specific subject (China, obviously) and is manually reviewed and updated with only the best content. And really, the direction of ChinaBloggers is different: the goal here is not to be a comprehensive list of every blog about China, but just to be a directory of the best.
Who runs ChinaBloggers?
ChinaBloggers was created by Charlie of Chengdu Living back in 2011. It went through many iterations and was eventually taken over by Josh of TravelChinaCheaper in 2019.
Currently, both Josh and Jackie from Bringing Up the Parks edit and manually review all the submissions that are made here.
What are my web hosting options for a blog?
China has a unique set of circumstances for bloggers. Here are some options:
- – as of 2023 this is unblocked in China, after years of being blocked. Who knows how long it will remain accessible without a VPN, but it is a solid option. Optionally, pay more for custom domain.
- – this self-hosted version of WordPress requires additional configuration, along with a web host. This is what the majority of bloggers listed on ChinaBloggers are using because of its power and versatility.
- Weebly, iPage, Wix, Squarespace – these and more page builders are available and vastly simplify the process of setting up a website, similar to which is listed above. As of 2017 they are not blocked but they may perform slowly for visitors who are not accessing the internet through a VPN.
Which social media platforms are popular for promotion in China?
- Weibo for micro-blogging
- for blogging
- Meipai for sharing short video clips
- WeChat Moments for micro-blogging
How can I get more exposure for my blog?
Consider writing a guest post for bigger sites. Here are some of the bigger blogs on our network that you can submit guest posts to:
A. Sara of Living a Dream in China welcomes posts related to life/travel in China, Chinese family life or learning Chinese.
Getting excited? Then e-mail:
B. Jocelyn of Speaking of China is always on the lookout for outstanding guest posts on love, family, and relationships in China (as well as related topics that fit the scope of her blog). See guest post guidelines here.
Interested? Email:
How can I monetize my blog?
- Advertising: Google Adsense
- Affiliate sales: redirecting visitors to products or services
- Create and sell your own products
Here are some affiliate opportunities:
- NordVPN is a popular VPN app which is always looking for affiliate partners. Contact NordVPN directly at
- VyprVPN is another VPN service seeking affiliate bloggers. Use our contact form to get in touch about this.
How does one set up a WeChat shop?
Click here for the Beijing Kids’ article on setting up a WeChat shop.
How does one set up WeChat Subscription account?
For individuals considering setting up a WeChat subscription account for their sites, a Chinese ID is required.
Is syndication a good idea for my blog?
This is a complex topic and it depends on our goals. We recommend you read this article by Neil Patel on the subject, wherein he reflects on how you can reap the benefits without incurring any SEO downside.
Will VPNs be banned in China anytime soon?
We don’t know. We hope not.
What do you recommend for capturing subscribers?
- Madmimi
- Mailchimp
- Convert Kit
- Hello Bar
How do I join the China Bloggers WeChat group?
E-mail the author here to be added into the group.